100tiao1: How-to instructions you can trust. Mac Make the Mac Dock Translucent in OS X Mavericks

Make the Mac Dock Translucent in OS X Mavericks

If you’ve upgraded to OS X Mavericks, you’ve probably noticed that the dock is less translucent than it was in OS X Mountain Lion. If you prefer that look to the new look, here’s a quick tip that will make the Mac dock translucent in OS X Mavericks.

All you have to do is open Terminal and type in the following command:

defaults write com.apple.dock hide-mirror -bool true;killall Dock

Your dock will disappear for a few seconds and reappear up with a new translucent look – so much that you’ll be able to see your wallpaper right through it.

To reverse this and get the original dock back, enter this command in Terminal:

defaults write com.apple.dock hide-mirror -bool false;killall Dock

As you can see from the above image, it’s not a huge difference, but enough that it’s noticeable. Which look do you prefer?

Charnita Fance

Charnita has been a Freelance Writer & Professional Blogger since 2008. As an early adopter she loves trying out new apps and services. As a Windows, Mac, Linux and iOS user, she has a great love for bleeding edge technology. You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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