Have you ever wished for the perfect mannequin to help with your sewing projects? Store-bought mannequins can be pricey, and even the adjustable ones rarely match your exact body shape. The good news? You can easily and affordably make a mannequin at home! Best of all, it will be a precise replica of your body, ensuring that every garment you sew fits you perfectly.
Make a mannequin that’s tailored to your specific measurements, and you’ll have a tool that’s both useful and personal. The process doesn’t require expensive materials—just a few basic supplies, and some time and patience. Not only will making a mannequin save you money, but it will also give you the ability to create custom garments that truly fit your body.
Once you’ve completed the steps to make a mannequin, you’ll be amazed at how much easier it becomes to visualize and perfect your sewing projects. Whether you’re working on dresses, shirts, or jackets, this mannequin will help you craft garments that fit like a glove. So why not take the plunge and make a mannequin today? Your sewing projects will thank you!
- Making the Body

1.Wear an old, snug-fitting shirt that you don’t mind sacrificing. The shirt should fit closely to your torso without excessive wrinkles and should extend down to your hips. Avoid using a loose or baggy shirt, as it will add unnecessary bulk.
Note: This shirt won’t be reusable; in fact, its journey begins when we cover it entirely in tape. Once we thoroughly tape it, we will cut it apart for its intended purpose. This transformation ensures that the shirt serves its specific function before we discard it.

2.Cover your neck and collar area with plastic wrap. Take a sheet of plastic wrap, fold it to match the height of your neck, and gently wrap it around. Tuck the ends under the neckline of your shirt to cover your skin completely. This step is important to protect your skin, as you’ll be applying tape to your neck area later.
Tip: If you don’t have plastic wrap, paper towels can be used as an alternative.

3.Wrap a strip of duct tape around your torso, just below your bust. Ensure the tape is snug enough to follow the contours of your body but not so tight that it restricts your breathing.
For men: Place the tape just below your pectorals.
Note: You’ll need someone to assist you with this step and the remaining steps in this process.

4.Create an X-shape across your chest using two strips of duct tape. Place the first strip diagonally from your left shoulder to the underside of your right breast. Then, apply the second strip from your right shoulder to the underside of your left breast. The center of the X should align between your breasts.

5.Continue applying tape over your shoulders, chest, and back. Start with a strip of tape on your left shoulder, bringing one end diagonally down across your left breast toward the horizontal strip of tape and the other end down across your back. Keep layering strips of tape until the entire shoulder area is covered.
Tip: Overlap each strip by about ½ inch (1.27 centimeters) for added strength and stability.
Repeat the process for your right shoulder and chest.

Fill in the gaps under your armpits by using smaller strips of tape. Raise your arms and apply the strips horizontally across your ribcage. Make sure to cover the space between your armpit and the horizontal tape strip. Overlap each strip by about ½ inch (1.27 centimeters) for a smooth and secure finish.

Cover the gaps on your back and chest. At this point, you should see a V-shaped gap in these areas. Tear off additional strips of tape and apply them horizontally across your back and chest to close the gaps. If you’re wearing a low-cut shirt, ensure your chest is protected with plastic wrap or a paper towel for added coverage.

Wrap the tape around your neck. Wrap 1 to 2 strips of tape loosely around your neck.Use smaller strips to fill in any gaps showing through.

Continue wrapping the tape securely around your waist, working your way downward toward the bottom of the shirt. Make sure to overlap each row by about ½ inch (1.27 centimeters) to ensure a smooth and even finish. Take your time to maintain consistency, as this will create a neat and professional look. Stop wrapping once you reach the bottom hem of the shirt, ensuring everything is evenly covered and secure.
- Stuffing the Body

Here’s a rephrased version:
“Ask a trusted person to assist you in cutting the back of your duct tape shirt. Begin at the bottom and work your way up, ensuring that they cut through the duct tape, fabric of the shirt, and the plastic wrap layers underneath.”

Take the shirt off. You should now have a body-double made out of duct tape. If anything became dented on the mannequin during this step, such as a breast, use your fingers to gently push it back out.

Seal the gap with a strip of duct tape. Place the cut ends together so that they match up. Cover them with a strip of duct tape to seal the gap. For extra security, apply tape to both the inside and outside of the shirt.

Touch up the top and bottom edges, if desired. Take a look at the top and bottom edges of the mannequin. If you are happy with them, leave them be. If they look ragged or jagged, touch them up with more tape.
- Consider cutting the top edge of the neck down at a slight, downward angle to mimic a real mannequin. Make sure that you still have some neck left, however!

Stuff the shirt with polyester stuffing. If you need to, cover the neck hole with a few strips of duct tape so that the stuffing doesn’t come out the other end. Keep stuffing until the mannequin feels full and firm. You will need about two bags of polyester stuffing.