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EaseUS VoiceWave Review, Voice Changing for Social Media

EaseUS VoiceWave

Nice little voice changer app that connects easily with social voice apps

What we like

  • Fast real-time voice-changing
  • Large list of presets
  • Broad support for file formats

What we don’t like

  • Early release doesn’t have all features enabled
  • Not much variety in the presets

Get EaseUS VoiceWave

I imagine that in the past four years or so, like me, you have used video conferencing, online gaming and other computer-based voice apps more often than in the preceding decade. However, one thing that has not yet made many inroads into the voice apps mainstream is voice changing. AI voice technology has changed all that with real-time voice cloning and puppeteering of voices. Get a foot in the door, and use this tech in your day-to-day communications, for fun, for security or privacy, with EaseUS VoiceWave.

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What’s It All About?

EaseUS VoiceWave is a real-time voice changer that acts on any input from the microphone attached to your computer and changes your voice in real-time to a variety of entertaining characters. It can pitch it up and down, add effects like reverb and echo, and change the timbre of the voice to alter it beyond recognition, while still staying mostly intelligible.

Also included are tools to add voice effect clips for prerecorded voices. Quality is important when adding voice effects, so there is a built-in noise reduction switch, too, eliminating background noise from speech so that the effects are cleaner and more listenable.

The software also allows you to save your files in a variety of useful formats, like MP3, WAV, FLAC, AAC and all the usual suspects.

Getting Set

Installing the software is easy: just download the installer and run it. It downloads and installs EaseUS VoiceWave to your machine. This cleverly means the user waits a short time for downloading and a longer time for installation.

Before you can use VoiceWave, go to the Settings tab, and ensure that it is connected to your microphone and output. I recommend that rather than using speakers, you use headphones for monitoring, as you will degrade the sound if the mic picks up any sound from the speakers.

Once you are set up with headphones and a mic, anything you say into the mic is translated into a new voice in the headphones. While this is fun, the main use of this voice changer is with third-party apps like Discord, Skype and WhatsApp.

To connect the software to a third-party app, such as Skype, open Skype and go to Settings -> Audio and Video -> VoiceWave Microphone. This routes the sound from VoiceWave to the sound input of Skype. Simple.

Do the same routine for Discord and other apps. Go to Settings -> Voice & Video -> Microphone.

Now all of your voice-changing exploits will be transferred to the voice app of your choice. The exception to this is WhatsApp, as you have to set up a video or voice call first, then adjust the microphone settings in the call.

Altered Voices

The interface presents you with a series of tabs down the left side. The top tab is Real Time Voice Changer, which does what it says. The next is File Voice Changer, which enables you to load a recorded voice clip and apply changes. The Settings tab is at the bottom.

The other two tabs are not yet available in this early release of the software. They are the Soundboard (like an effects clipboard you’d have on a radio station, playing jingles and clips with the touch of a button) and a custom voice creator. I imagine this is where the AI functionality will come in.

The voices are in the first tab and shown as icons, avatars if you will, which represent the different voices you can choose. They are grouped into similar characters.

There are human voices, which are male and female, high-pitched and low, with a few different characters and types of people. There are also robots that are very sci-fi and quite satisfying.

There is also a category of voices called “Devices.” This is a range of loudspeakers and sound-playing devices for special effects. (Similar to the Stormtrooper voices on Star Wars.)

Most of the categories are quite similar in nature, high/low, modulated or not, reverb or not, but there are a few oddities, like the Electronic Music preset, which sounds like a sophisticated vocoder of some kind. I would have liked a few more of those kinds of voices and for it to have added a lot to the variety of the voices.

Below the Real Time tab, there is the File Voice Changer tab, where you can load a voice recording of your choice. Once the clip is loaded, you can play it and choose a voice effect from the icons below.

The Verdict

I have to say, as a sound designer, I found the choice of voices in EaseUS Voice Wave a little limited. The tech used to make these voices seems to be an extension of autotune and its kin, with that same raspy modulation of the voice, as it goes too high or too low. This is the sampling of the voice, and the “grit,” for want of a better word, is the software sampling rate made audible. It also seems that a lot of the voices have excessive reverb, which in some of the voices was nonsensical.

Yet, it was a lot of fun messing around with voices in real time. You can also tweak the preset voices a little using sliders in the editing bay on the right side of the screen. This means you can improve them a bit if the preset settings are not to your liking.

It’s a shame it doesn’t yet do any AI voices, which you can puppeteer with your own voice. It’s still your own voice, just raised or lowered in pitch, modulated with a sort of formant, to make it sound more male or more female, and reverb or echo effects to make it sound epic.

The ability to save your recorded sound clips in a large selection of formats was quite useful, although I didn’t find any means of editing the clips I recorded. It’s possible this is an upcoming feature. In any event, you can save the clips once affected and presumably edit them in an external editor, like the open-source Audacity software.

There is AI functionality in the works. In the “Coming Soon” section of the website, it says that we can expect added features to the platform, like a voice mixer, soundboard, and text-to-speech, as well as a range of AI voices. I’d say for the price, which is not extortionate, it’s worth it for a fun voice changer you can wire into your socials, and any features it adds after that is just icing on the cake. Also, if you buy now, all the upcoming features are a free upgrade.


For the current version of EaseUS VoiceWave (which is free at present), you get more than 100 real-time voice-changing effects and the ability to record and add treatments to recordings. You will not, however, be able to access the new advanced features when they are launched unless you pay.

If you want to get on board the platform and be ready for all the new features (playing with the current feature set while you wait), you can get a special deal for Make Tech Easier readers and pay just $23.99 for the Lifetime Plan. You get all the current and future features via lifetime free upgrades and full tech support.

Readers who don’t want to commit to a lifetime just yet can pay month by month for just $3.99 on the Monthly Plan, which gives you the same access as a lifetime pro user but with only the current month’s upgrades. It’s a good way to get your foot in the door when the new features roll out. If you can’t decide between the two plans, consider the Yearly Plan for $11.99.

Phil South

Phil South has been writing about tech subjects for over 30 years. Starting out with Your Sinclair magazine in the 80s, and then MacUser and Computer Shopper. He’s designed user interfaces for groundbreaking music software, been the technical editor on film making and visual effects books for Elsevier, and helped create the MTE YouTube Channel. He lives and works in South Wales, UK.

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