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Are You Loyal to One Browser or Are You Constantly Switching?

One of the most essential apps in all of our arsenals, whether we do our computing on a mobile device, laptop, or desktop, is the browser. They all work similarly, but there are different features that some employ to differentiate them from the others. Are you loyal to one browser or do you constantly switch between them?

The first browser we all became familiar with was Internet Explorer (some would say was Netscape). It was basic back then but did what we needed it to do: browse the Internet. Soon other choices were being offered up such as Firefox and Google Chrome, and once I.E. stopped supporting Macintosh, Apple came out with its own – Safari. Even Microsoft seems to want to leave I.E. in the dust with its new Edge browser.

And now there are so many more browsers than just those mentioned, and one isn’t necessarily better than the rest. They just all have different features that are better or worse for your browsing and other Internet needs. Many have Google’s search engine built in; some do not. Some work better on certain types of systems. Some are great on mobile, and some are better on desktops. For that reason, sometimes people use more than just one browser, and sometimes they switch up their allegiance.

How do you handle your browsing? Do you just use one browser only and pay no attention to the others, or do you keep a few different browsers at your disposal for doing assorted tasks? Are you one of those who switch to a new browser every time a new one that promises to be better shows up in the app Store?

Are you loyal to one browser or are you constantly switching?

Laura Tucker
Staff Writer

Laura has spent more than 20 years writing news, reviews, and op-eds, with the majority of those years as an editor as well. She has exclusively used Apple products for the past 35 years. In addition to writing and editing at MTE, she also runs the site’s sponsored review program.

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