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5 Best Keepass Companion Apps for Android

If you use KeePass to manage your passwords, you’ve probably thought about how you can manage those passwords on Android. As it stands, there isn’t an official KeePass management app for Android. This is a shame, as it would make things easy, having one app on multiple systems.

Regardless, KeePass fans have taken it upon themselves to make some companion apps: programs that can work with your password databases to help you bring that wonderful KeePass management to your phone. So, what one is the best? Let’s find out!

KeePass is our most favorite password manager. Here is the reason why.

1. KeePassMob Password Manager

Perhaps the best implementation of what we could see from an “official” KeePass Android app, KeePassMob supports KeePass 1.x as well as the 2.x file format. It also includes support for Dropbox, Box.com, OneDrive and others for cloud backup. The app also supports password generation, and many, many other features.

Out of all of the ones on the list, KeePassMob is hands down the most user-friendly and good looking. If you’re trying to find a modern app for your KeePass needs, this should be one of the first apps you take for a spin!

2. KeePassDroid

When people talk about using KeePass on Android, few recommend anything other than KeePassDroid. It’s a simple app that supports read and write support for both versions of KeePass. That’s not it, though, as they have some other killer features too: mainly Google Drive support and password generation.

Though many admit KeePassDroid isn’t the most user-friendly app in existence, once you get past the learning curve, you might grow to love everything about it. If you want a competent KeePass manager, definitely check this one out!

3. KeepShare Lite for KeePass

KeepShare Lite is a free version of the KeepShare KeePass manager for Android. Though it’s not as full-featured as the paid version, it still has some enticing and robust things to offer. With this app you’ll be able to use KeePass 2.x password files, autofill support, cloud provider support, full database browsing and much, much more. If you’re looking for a cool way to keep track of your passwords, check it out!

4. Keepass2Android

Looking for a good KeePass 2 password safe for Android? Keepass2Android has you covered. For starters, it integrates with just about any Android browser; lets you upload password database files to various cloud providers like Drobox, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.; and has an integrated keyboard to protect you from clipboard exploits.

If you’ve tried the other apps on the list and found they came up short, you should give Keepass2Android a go!

5. Keepass2Android Offline

We’ve already talked about Keepass2Android in #4, but this app deserves a mention too. It essentially does everything that the online app does, except this time it doesn’t need an Internet connection. Everything can be done completely offline. The features it sports are comparable – if not identical – to the online app, so we won’t say anything here. However, if you loved Keepass2Android but have connectivity issues, this is the logical choice.


These apps aren’t blessed by the KeePass project by any means. And sure, it would be really nice if the KeePass team got together and made one official Android application that does all of the things these companion apps do, but no matter. Don’t let this fact discourage you. Each and every one of these companion apps is great if what you want is to bring the might of KeePass password management to Android.

Derrik Diener

Derrik Diener is a freelance technology blogger.

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