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How to Rotate, Flip, Mirror, and Blur Images in Microsoft PowerPoint

Slideshows are all about visuals. Whether you create a presentation for business, education, or a charitable organization, you’ll want to use photos to get your point across. Once you add a picture to your slideshow, you can rotate it for an eye-catching angle or mirror it to create a unique reflective effect. This guide takes a look at how to rotate images and more in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Hold on: before you add a stack of raw visuals to PowerPoint, consider batch-editing your images in Windows.


How to Rotate an Image in PowerPoint

Depending on the type of angle you want for your image, you have a few ways to rotate it in PowerPoint. You can use the freeform option to drag the picture, do a quick rotation left or right, or enter the exact degrees for the angle.

Freeform Rotate

When you want to turn the image one way or the other, or even upside down, you can drag it:

  1. To freely rotate an image, select it, then drag the rotation handle at the top of the picture.

  1. Drag to rotate the image to the left or right.

  1. When the image is at the desired angle, release.

Quick Rotate

Maybe you want to do a quick rotation of the image to the right or left. In just a couple of clicks, you can rotate your image 90 degrees.

  1. Select the image and go to the “Picture Format” tab. Open the “Rotate” drop-down menu in the “Arrange” group.

  1. Choose “Rotate Right 90º” or “Rotate Left 90º.”

You can also choose one of these options more than once. For example, you can rotate your PowerPoint image twice to turn it upside down.

Exact Angle Rotate

If you have the exact angle you want to use or started to freely rotate the image, then decided you’d like to have a specific angle, follow these steps:

  1. Select the image and go to the “Picture Format” tab. Open the “Rotate” drop-down menu and select “More Rotation Options.”

  1. When the sidebar opens, the Size section will be expanded. Use the “Rotation” box to enter the number of degrees for the angle. You can also use the arrows to increase or decrease this amount in small increments.

Did you know: you can create Venn diagrams and charts in PowerPoint.

How to Flip an Image in PowerPoint

Similar to rotating an image in PowerPoint, there is more than one way to flip an image. You may want to flip a picture vertically or horizontally for a unique appearance or to mirror it.

Freeform Flip

You can also flip an image by dragging it.

  1. Select the image to display a border with the rotation handle at the top and circles on each corner and edge.

  1. Choose one of the circles, depending on how you want to flip the image. To flip it horizontally to the right, select a circle on the left side, or to flip it vertically from top to bottom, select a circle on the top.

  1. With your circle selected, drag in the opposite direction until you see the image flip, then release.

If you want to flip the image but keep it in place as you do, there’s a simple trick.

  1. Hold the Ctrl key on Windows or Command key on Mac.
  1. Drag the circle the direction you want to flip, as described above.

  1. Once you see the image flip, release. You’ll see your image flipped but still in its same location on the slide.

Quick Flip

Along with freely flipping your picture, you can perform a quick flip horizontally or vertically.

  1. Select the image and go to the “Picture Format” tab. Open the “Rotate” menu and select “Flip Vertical” or “Flip Horizontal.”

  1. You’ll see your image flip in the direction you select but remain in place.

How to Mirror an Image in PowerPoint

By using one of the flip options above, you can mirror an image with just a couple of extra steps. This gives you two images side-by-side or on the top and bottom, as if a mirror is between them. Alternatively, keep a single image but add the reflection effect.

Duplicate and Flip the Image

To get started, place the image on the slide with enough room for the additional image you’ll mirror to it.

  1. Select the image and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D on Windows or Command + D on Mac to duplicate it.

  1. Use one of the above flip methods on the duplicate image. For example, we are choosing “Flip Horizontal” from the “Picture Format” tab.

  1. Drag the duplicated and flipped image horizontally or vertically and place it next to the original picture to create the mirror effect.

Use the Reflection Effect

Maybe the effect you have in mind is more of a reflection of the original image rather than a mirrored appearance.

  1. Select the image and go to the “Picture Format” tab. Open the “Picture Effects” drop-down box in the “Picture Styles” group.

  1. Move to “Reflection” and choose one of the options in the pop-out menu.

  1. To fine-tune the result, select “Reflection Options” in the “Reflection” menu.

  1. Use the options in the “Reflection” section of the sidebar to get the look you want.

How to Blur an Image in PowerPoint

If the effect you want to apply to your picture in PowerPoint is a fuzzy one, you can blur the image and even adjust the amount of blur.

  1. Select the image and go to the “Picture Format” tab. Open the “Artistic Effects” drop-down menu in the “Adjust” group and choose the “Blur” option. You can hover your cursor over each effect to see its name.

  1. Once the effect is applied, you can adjust the amount of blur on the image. Return to the “Artistic Effects” menu and select “Artistic Effects Options” at the bottom.

  1. When the sidebar opens, you should see the “Artistic Effects” section expanded. Next to “Radius,” drag the slider or increase or decrease the number in the box to adjust the blur.

Mac users: learn how to blur images in macOS.

How to Crop an Image in PowerPoint

Do you have a picture where you only want to keep part of it in your presentation? You can crop an image in PowerPoint in a few different ways:

Crop to a Custom Size

You can use the freeform crop tool in PowerPoint to choose the exact size and portion of the picture you want to adjust.

  1. Select the image and go to the “Picture Format” tab. Click the “Crop” button or use the “Crop” drop-down menu and select “Crop.”

  1. You’ll see the crop tool on your image. Drag inward using one of the black lines on a corner or edge. To drag evenly, zeroing in on the center of your image, hold Ctrl on Windows or Command on Mac as you drag one of the lines.

  1. Continue this process until you see the part you want to keep bright and clear with the rest dimmed. You can also move the picture to place the part you want within the crop frame. Click anywhere outside the image and crop tool, or select the “Crop” button in the ribbon to crop the picture.

Crop to a Shape

Rather than keep the picture you crop as a simple square or rectangle, you can crop your image to a shape, like a circle, triangle, or octagon.

  1. Select the image and go to the “Picture Format” tab. Open the “Crop” drop-down menu, select “Crop to Shape,” and choose the shape in the pop-out menu.

  1. Your picture will be cropped to fit the shape you select.

Crop to a Preset Ratio

One more way to crop an image in PowerPoint is to use one of the preset aspect ratios. You can choose from a square, portrait, or landscape preset.

  1. Select the image and go to the “Picture Format” tab. Open the “Crop” drop-down menu, select “Aspect Ratio,” and choose the preset in the pop-out menu.

  1. When you see your picture within the crop frame using the preset size, click “Crop” in the ribbon.

  1. You’ll see your image cropped to the size you select.

How to Make an Image Transparent in PowerPoint

One more way to adjust the appearance of a picture in PowerPoint is by adding transparency, which lets you fade the image.

  1. Select the image and go to the “Picture Format” tab. Open the “Transparency” drop-down menu in the Adjust group and choose a transparency option from 15 to 95 percent.

  1. Alternatively, or in addition to a preset setting, adjust the transparency to the exact amount you want. Return to the “Transparency” menu and select “Picture Transparency Options.”

  1. When the sidebar opens, the Picture Transparency section will be expanded. Next to “Transparency,” drag the slider or increase or decrease the percentage in the box to adjust the transparency.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I insert a picture in PowerPoint?

Go to the slide where you want the picture and head to the “Insert” tab. Open the “Pictures” menu in the “Images” section of the ribbon and choose the location for your picture. You can choose an image from your device, stock images, or online pictures, then click “Insert” to add it to your slide.

Note: you can also extract images from other PowerPoint presentations.

What is the shortcut to rotate an image in PowerPoint?

You can quickly rotate an image 15 degrees to the right or left using a keyboard shortcut in PowerPoint. Select the image and hold Alt on Windows or Option on Mac, then press the right or left arrow.

How do I fix a picture in PowerPoint?

If you want to adjust an image’s brightness, contrast, or sharpness, you can use the “Corrections” feature in PowerPoint. Select the image, go to the “Picture Format” tab, and use the options in the “Corrections” drop-down menu in the “Adjust” group.

Image credit: Pixabay. All screenshots by Sandy Writtenhouse.

Sandy Writtenhouse

With her BS in Information Technology, Sandy worked for many years in the IT industry as a Project Manager, Department Manager, and PMO Lead. She wanted to help others learn how technology can enrich business and personal lives and has shared her suggestions and how-tos across thousands of articles.

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