100tiao1: How-to instructions you can trust. Internet Block Everything Kardashian (And Caitlyn) with this Google Chrome Extension

Block Everything Kardashian (And Caitlyn) with this Google Chrome Extension

I know more than I want to know about the Kardashian and Jenner families. That’s what I get for not having the Kardashian Filter Chrome extension on my browser, If I did, I would know a lot less about the Kardashians and would not accidentally keep up with them as much. It’s one more extension that I am going to be adding now.

With the Kardashian Filter you will be spared any news about the family. From now on your browsing experience will be Kardashian-free. While there are some people that actually want to keep up with the Kardashians, that doesn’t mean you have to by be exposed to even a title that has to do with them.

After downloading the extension you will see an icon that the extension has been added correctly on the upper right-hand corner of your screen. The icon includes a mini picture of a Kardashian with a red line across it.

The developers of the Chrome extension have said that in the new version you will also be spared from seeing anything Jenner related, so say goodbye to keeping up with the them as well. Some users have experienced still seeing the Kardashians in Twitter and Facebook, but the developers are already working on a fix.

Unfortunately, Firefox users will have to wait for now if they, too, want to block the Kardashians. An extension for Firefox is not yet available, but it is something that the developers are aware of and know that users are asking for it. Hopefully, Firefox users won’t have to wait too long.

If you’re not interested in news about Miley Cyrus eitherand want to stop having to see her, then you are going to enjoy the No Cyrus Chrome Extension.

Those who are already using the extension are happy they can actually read online content without having to worry about coming across anything Miley Cyrus-related.


I hope you are as happy as I am with these two extensions that are going to make your browsing experience better by not having to be exposed to articles about these two celebrities. Don’t forget to give the post a share and let me know if you are planning to block information that is Kardashian and Miley Cyrus-related in the comments section.

Judy Sanhz

Judy Sanhz is a tech addict that always needs to have a device in her hands. She loves reading about Android, Softwares, Web Apps and anything tech related.She hopes to take over the world one day by simply using her Android smartphone!

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