100tiao1: How-to instructions you can trust. Mac 5 To-Do Lists for Mac to Help You Manage Your Tasks

5 To-Do Lists for Mac to Help You Manage Your Tasks

If your Mac is what you use as your primary computer and it is where you get all of your tasks done, then you should keep a list of all of the tasks right on your Mac. What this will do is save you some time that you will otherwise spend looking at your phone for the task list, checking off the ones you have completed and so on. There are a number of to-do lists for Mac and here we have chosen the top five that we think you should have on your machine.

1. Simplenote

As the name implies, Simplenote allows you to take a note of all of your tasks on a simple paper-style interface. There is not much clutter on the main interface and therefore it is the simplest to-do app available out there. For easy management of the tasks, it lets you tag and pin your notes. This way, you get to the notes you are looking for without having to go through a dozen of other notes.

The app is available for multiple platforms and allows synchronization across your devices.

2. TaskMate

TaskMate is one of the coolest apps for managing tasks on a Mac. The app simply offers one of the best interfaces wherein you just create a new task, complete it, check it off and it is gone. There is no hassle of making a number of clicks to get something done as the app is much more simpler than you think. The plus sign on the top lets you add new tasks and once you complete one, hit the box in front of the task and it will be removed from your list. It’s as simple as that.

3. Dolt

Want more than just a simple to-do list manager? Then Dolt is for you. The app lets you do more with your lists than just creating and deleting them. Once you have created a task, you can then link to the files saved on your Mac right from the task, and even attach hyperlinks. You can set priorities for various tasks to ensure the most important tasks get done first. There is a feature called Deadline that lets you set deadlines for your tasks.

All in all, it is a fully featured to-do app for Mac, and you should get it right away if you have an unmanaged list of tasks.

4. Wunderlist

Does the name ring a bell in your mind? If so, you already know what the app is and what it does. Wunderlist is a to-do list manager for Mac that has been integrated with a number of features so you never feel like you cannot do something because the feature does not exist in the app. With a professional looking interface, you can add new tasks, share them with your friends and family, sync them with your other devices and so on. It has a reminder that reminds you when you have a task that needs to be done right away. Cool, huh?

5. Check Off

Want to have more than just to-do list capability in the app? Check Off has it for you. The app allows you to place the tasks you have created into various folders, assign them various tags, and even attach notes with your tasks. At first, it might look like a normal app but when you dig a bit deeper, you will get to know the real features it has to offer.


The above to-do lists for Mac should help you manage tasks on your Mac and make your life much simpler!

Mahesh Makvana

Mahesh Makvana is a freelance tech writer who’s written thousands of posts about various tech topics on various sites. He specializes in writing about Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android tech posts. He’s been into the field for last eight years and hasn’t spent a single day without tinkering around his devices.

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